Saturday, November 30, 2013

Gnomefather's Engines 0.483

Gnomefather's engines 0.483 is out!

-Modified the V5F, V2-KT and V2-SN to sound more like what they were described as in real life:
D.I. Osadchiy writes in his memoirs: “In the fall of 1941, we received several KV tanks as reinforcements, one of which was named “For the Motherland”. A single one was made at the Kirov factory. It had all abilities of the KV tank, but had thicker armour, weighed 100 tons, and had a more powerful engine with a turbine. It made a whistling sound at high gears, like a Junkers diving. We would even get air raid warnings in the first few days when it was moving around the brigade."
 It's about the KV-220 which used the V5F, but I assume the V2-SN sounded the same, and the V2-KT is not really historically realistic on that tank


Download Gnomefather's Engines with radio 0.483

Download without

Without radio

Download Gnomefather's Engines 0.483 without radio

Download without


  1. Kommer du fra norge eller danmark?

    Is it possible to make the surround like the mod from Kriegstreiber?

    In your Mod there is one position where the sound is just comming from behind, and just comes from infront when you look down and so on.

    Thank you for your mod !!!

    1. Fra Norge.

      Faktisk, så har jeg lagd Surrounden akkurat slik Kriegstreiber gjorde det. Det var han som hjalp meg med det.

  2. Thanks for the good work!
    Is it possible to have just the radio sounds in a separate file?

    1. Just radio? Huh? Don't like the tanks?

      Well, no, FMOD doesn't work like that, sorry.

    2. I like the enginge sounds to, but I think they are too loud :/

    3. Turn down the volme, enable channel phantoming if you are using surround.

  3. Lorraine 40 t still has microphone bump/disturbance sound bug. Please resolve, thanks.
